Sunday, 4 April 2010

Garrison Keiller

I'm not a fan but my main gripe is why does it have to be so often and so regularly? Are there no other music and comedy shows which would fit the slot? Is it simply a question of economics, as has been suggested?


Unfortunately for me it's more a case of can't help listening, as there's usually a good show beforehand, like Comedy Controller, and I often record that on minidisc without a timer facility so cannot avoid the opening of GK's mildly annoying theme song as an unwelcome coda unless I remain in a state of coiled tension all Saturday morning (or evening) ready to press the stop button.

But at least it's only one hour a week (plus repeats) and it's a solid slab, relatively easy to avoid. Imagine, if you will, a two hour programme on, say, Mon to Fri, most of whose content you wanted to hear but cursed with a presenter the timing and length of whose puerile links is difficult to calculate precisely and so avoid. Doesn't that level of suffering put exposure to GK's whimsy into perspective?

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